Accounting and financial reporting principles along with income tax regulations establish guidelines affecting all businesses and industries. Comprehensive general knowledge and experience are essential. Diverse experience combined with specialized industry training and experience is a real bonus.
We have decades of training and experience as accountants, auditors, tax advisors and business consultants to manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and the trucking and transportation industries. We also have extensive experience in the following specialized industries:
Real Estate
Our real estate clients are developers, contractors, managers, investors, and/or operators. We provide our real estate clients with financial statement services as required, but the emphasis of our services is generally related to tax matters. Most real estate businesses are organized as partnerships, limited liability companies, or S-Corporations. The tax regulations affecting pass-through entities are, perhaps, the most complicated area of the Internal Revenue Code. As with all of our tax related services, our emphasis is on planning. We bring decades of experience to the process.
Investment Companies
Our investment company client may be an advisor, manager, broker, venture capitalist, or hedge fund. The investment company is typically organized as a partnership or a limited liability company. The regulations affecting the taxation of these pass-through entities are, perhaps, the most complicated area of the Internal Revenue Code. We provide our investment company clients with financial auditing and other attestation services as well as tax related services and bring decades of experience to the process.
Professional Service Companies
The financial structure of a personal service company differs substantially from a manufacturing or other operating business. The objectives of the owners with respect to working capital requirements and the retention of earnings also differ. Serving a personal service company in areas of financial reporting, tax planning, or tax return preparation requires a heightened understanding of the objectives of the individuals as well as the business entity.
Automobile Dealers
Financial reporting for, or the taxation of, an automobile dealership does not differ substantially from other businesses, but many of the accounting issues related to manufacturer incentives as well as buyer incentives are unique. It helps to know the language of the industry. It helps to be familiar with the industry. We have served clients in the new and used automobile dealership industry for nearly 30 years. We understand the language, we understand the business.
Private Clubs and Non-Profit Organizations
Our firm has provided auditing and other financial statement services to private clubs and tax exempt organizations and we have provided advice regarding tax exempt issues since 1979. Additionally, our principals have served as board members and officers of several non-profit organizations.